A Year Of... interesting things

Reflection on Year of Ones

A year of one giant failure and yet surprising progress.

Let’s see how I tracked:

  • One hundred pushups - ❌
    Barely managed 25.
  • One hundred squats - ❌
    Could do 50, though.
  • One pound lost a week - ❌❌
    Gained over 20 instead.
  • One meal a day (OMAD) - ❌
    Tried, but I’m a stress eater and there was quite a bit of stress. For the largest part, I’ve been successful in sticking to OLMAD - one large meal a day.
  • Eating out no more than Once a week - ✅
    Finally something I managed.
  • 10k steps at least three times a week - ❓
    Increased to 7k a day and in the last 3 months managed to average about 10k/day.

And yet not a total failure, though I’m struggling to wrap my head around the results.

The general theme of the year has been physical exercise. Body-weight.

I was doing pretty good, and then when I went back to the office I switched to weightlifting 3 times/week, and 30-40 minutes of intense elliptical the other 2.

I started with baby-steps. Could barely bench-press or squat 50 lbs (on the bar).
By the end of the year I was benching 110 lbs (+bar), squatting 140 lbs, and dead-lifting 160 lbs. And yet, I couldn’t do more than 25 push-ups, and couldn’t manage even a single pull-up.

The work-outs helped though. I used to get some pretty terrible mid-back pains from poor posture. Every few months, like clockwork. In more than 6 months I have been going to the gym I haven’t experienced a single incident.
That alone is a massive win as far as I’m concerned.

So what did you think about this post? Liked it? Hated it? Thought it was stupid? Thought I was stupid? Deemed it to be informative? Found mistakes or misinformation? Want to lavish excessive praise or cast fiery insults? Contact me and have at it.