A Year Of... interesting things

November Report

There wasn’t much interesting about the net of November: 26 items out, 7 items in, for a net total of 19.

I am not looking forward to December. My immediate and extended family don’t seem to comprehend the idea of not wanting gifts for Xmas. It’s also towards the end of the month so it’s almost as if I have to get rid of more items in preparation for what the year-end will bring.

Note to self: ask for experiences rather than things. It still allows people to feel good about gifting while I don’t have to deal with the possession angle.

November is also the month where I’m starting to think about the next year so that in December I can start planning it a little better.

It’s also month where the reflection on the year past begins.

December is a busy month.

So what did you think about this post? Liked it? Hated it? Thought it was stupid? Thought I was stupid? Deemed it to be informative? Found mistakes or misinformation? Want to lavish excessive praise or cast fiery insults? Contact me and have at it.